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Armando Yrigolla

“It's nasty to tell you the truth, and I don't like it. I don't need to tell you, you can see it. Nobody seems to care about it.”​

Armando Yrigolla is 88 years old and says he has been living in Rillito since Kennedy was shot, which was in 1963. While he lives alone, he enjoys time with his great-grandson every school day when he gets dropped off by the bus and watches him until his parents come to pick him up. He enjoys Rillito because it is a small and calm town, but does not like the trash, abandoned homes and broken roads. He thinks Rillito looks “nasty” and wishes to see improvements in the roads and environment around the town. He said that Pima County promised them new street lighting by April 2018, but they have yet to see any improvement. He says because the community is so small, they are often neglected because the surrounding cities don’t see any money in reaching out to Rillito.

“People don’t seem to give a damn about nothing.”

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